People have become accustomed to looking at payday loans somewhat skeptically, in no small part because of the tales they hear about sky-high interest rates and draconian charges if you are unable to pay off the loan on time. As with any financial decision you make before you commit to any loan – payday loans included – you should do your homework to make sure you know exactly what to expect and also to ensure you are getting the best deal you possibly
For many, however, payday lenders offer a number of significant benefits over and above traditional sources of borrowing. If you want to extend your overdraft or arrange a personal loan with your bank you will first need to make an appointment, bring all your financial documentation with you and normally fill out a lengthy and time-consuming application. And then you may need to wait for a week or more for a decision.
The great advantage of payday loans is that they are quick and easy to arrange. Most can now be dealt with online with the minimum of fuss and very often funds can be in your bank account within a few hours and certainly the same day you apply.
Of course, the interest rates are much higher than with a conventional loan, but at the end of the day you should not be looking at a payday advance as a long-term solution, but rather a temporary measure usually to help out when your budget is under some strain for a few weeks.
There are concerns that the payday loan sector is not subject to the same regulation that applies to the general banking industry. While that may very well be the case, although regulation is on its way, it’s worth bearing in mind that all that regulation did not prevent the banking industry from plunging the country into the worst economic crisis in history, nor prevent the numerous banking scandals that have emerged in recent years, such as the recent LIBOR rate-fixing debacle, involving scions of the banking industry such as Barclays and ribs.
In truth, most top online casino payday lenders operate to the highest standards – they simply could not survive in such a competitive environment if they did not – so if you experience any problems in the way your loan was administered, you should be able to have your concerns resolved by approaching your lender directly.